Thu 28 Oct, 2004 11:02 am
The title says all I know about video games. Please help.
For hand held games or games you run on a PC?
I hope I sound thrifty rather than cheap, but which sort is less expensive?
what system? Xbox, playstation 1 or 2? nintendo? gameboy? PC what ya got?
Sony? Does that make sense.
Given the level of brotherly love in that house, hand-held might make more sense than "share".
Sony is Playstation.
For one, you can't go wrong with sports games, for the most part. Also, games now are rated.
well hand helds like game boy advance and game boy sp ( ranging from 50 to 75 for the device) will probably have the better games for the kids... any where from pokemon to paperboy to invader nim.... games are rated anywhere from E for everyone to Mature... titles only recommendable for 17 and aboce...
The boys are 8 and 9. The playstation belongs to big brother who is not a particularly sharing child.
Of course they have a great scorn of anything "babyish"--but they certainly aren't mature enough for mayhem.
now a days many "kids" cartoons are video games... Sponge Bob has a game, pokemon, rugrats... you name it, it has a game probably... what do they like?
They brag about liking R-rated stuff.
I am not going to buy R-rated stuff for young children.
You say ratings are available. Where?
The ratings are available on the back of the actual games.
Car racing games? Wrestling? There's a game for every category.
take a look here Noddy...
Seed, thank you. That is exactly what I need.
Hold your dominion.
I shall do what i need to do

need anything else let me know.
anytime Noddy... im santa's little helper
Well if u have a xbox halo 2 is a really awsome game or the new lord of the rings the third age. Or maybe if u have a gamecube paper mario looks cool. Or if u have a ps2 fifa 2005 or madden or somin. to be honest halo is the best but i have lord of the rings the third age and that is very good aswell
Ok, I'm going to show my fuddy-duddy-ness, but I really like those old-style games that you can just plug into your tv. They look like the old atari joysticks and they have missile command and pong and all those old games on them. They're also cheap.
But if the boys are too sophisticated for that, I'm a big fan of Crash Bandicoot. Don't know if that's playstation or what.
free duck, those very good... very good for those who remember them being out though... not really what todays age is looking for ya know... but i feel ya on that.. my first system was an atari
I saw those and I instantly knew that they must be mine....
Pac Man on my big ass tv....oooo....