Funny I read through this presentation from 2002 - the only even remote mention of a plan to depopulate is:
"Agenda 21 calls for population programmes aiming at mitigating adverse impact on the environment of human activities, including population growth. Family planning programmes involve reproductive health programmes and services, education and information (5.4; 5.51)."
Unless the scary 5.4;5.51 - speaks specifically of this.
Either way the presentation is an interesting read. The other thing if you look at any of other the charts greater than 50% has "No Info. Available Globally" - not sure how the UN plans to control this if more than half the population they have no info available.
Have you read this website:
I am not a conspiracy type person - I do find this interesting - I am not worried as it would be next to impossible for the UN to do all this. I can see meeting about this sort of thing as yes we do need to work at sustainability, however, I kind of looked at this meeting as more an education so nations around the globe work towards more environmentally ways of helping our world rather than completely controlling everything.