Thu 21 Oct, 2004 11:15 pm
Hi my name is Steve, I am currently a freshman at San Jose State University. I am required to interview people from the ages of teens to young adults. Please answer the following questions for me:
Survey Questions, Young Adults
1.What causes stress in your life? (teenagers/young adults)
2.How does stress affect you? (teenagers/young adults)
3.What is your main source of play or leisure? (teenagers/young adults)
4.What happens when you have too much play or leisure? (teenagers/young adults)
5.What happens when you have too much stress? (teenagers/young adults)
6.How much pressure is there in finding a mate? (teenagers/young adults)
7.What is the difference between leisure for teens and leisure for young adults?
8.What is it like living with your parents as a teenager, (on your own as a young adult?)
9.What is the pressure in finding the correct career path?
10.How do teens cope with the change between adolescence and young adult hood?
Thank you all who participate in this quick survey. All opinions are greatly appreciated and will help my group and I develop a project. If you can please supply your age and sex, it would be wonderful.