George wrote:Pardon my ignorance, Moishe3rd, (I'm a goy) but are there set times that you go to the synagogue to pray?
There are set prayers, not necessarily set times.
Jews pray (daven) three times a day - Morning prayers (Shacharis); Afternoon prayers (Mincha); and Evening prayers (Maariv).
In our community, there is a 6:30 AM Shacharis (which gets later during the winter months as sunrise gets later); a 7:00 AM Shacharis - the Kollel (which is a sort of "university" where men get paid for learning full time) minyan; and 8:00 AM, at Torah Academy (the Jewish Day School - grades pre-K thru 8th grade).
The other Orthodox synagogue also has a minyan (10 men), maybe, at 7:00 AM.
The girl's high school (Bais Yaakov) also davens Shacharis around 8:00 AM.
The Kollel davens Mincha at 2:45 PM and Torah Academy davens Mincha at 3:00 PM (I think). Then the shul (synagogue) davens Mincha at varying times - now about 4:15 PM and as late as around 8:30 PM during the summer, followed immediately by Maariv.
There is also an 8:00 Maariv during these winter months and a 10:00 Maariv always.
If a person can't make a minyan (get together with 10 men) then he prays alone. But he still prays three times a day.
Hope this helps.