(( I hope this is in the right forum. ))
My husband and I have had this conversation going for almost a month . Him and I have had some really neat topics and have come up with some pretty interesting differences between the 2 predominant generations. Baby Boomers and Gen X.
One of the BIG differences we have noticed is that ( mind you, my hubby and I are both X'ers ) Gen X is L A Z Y ! Sorry yall...
statistically there has NEVER been such a high amount of 'job hopping' since the great depression. SERIOUSLY .
pretty sad huh?
So one of the defences we thought of was that the Baby Boomer generation was so compelled to ' right the wrong' of the depression that convenience , speed and price were the dominating factor in their choices.
Electronics was one of the highest educational choices of the bb generation. In the bb generation's prime Microwaves, Color TV, VCR, Computers, automatic doors , ( ya get the point ) Were created. ALL were created to make things easier while the BB's worked their hind ends off to also create financial stability.
All fine and dandy...
Until Gen X arrived.
Gen X is born into a much easier world where we don't even have to COOK our food,(microwaves) OPEN our doors,(motion sensors) or physically entertain ourselves.( TV, VCR ) We are spoiled. Completely.
So.. X'ers are lazy. Yeah.. so what? We don't have to work as hard as BB's did because BB created all the luxuries we now take for granted and consider every day life. So from here all we have to do is support ourselves. We dont have the immediate pains of the depression in OUR faces.
Does that make Gen X bad? I don't think so.
Does that make BB better? Not so much.
So why do the 2 generations realllllllyyyy hate each other?
What other diffrences is there between the two?
Am I way off? Or did I hit the nail on the head?