gustavratzenhofer wrote:I would answer you, Paula, but I don't have time right NOW.
Your afraid, I understand Gus, maybe you just need to get re-acclamated to the virtual world, take it slowly we are all here for you.
i wish i could understand all this right now...
It's complicated. I used to be a 'Then Master', and then, one day it hit me, I thought what about right...... 'now'........what an epiphany! I haven't been the same ever since.
It took years to work through these opposing views and I'm not going to say it has been easy, but I can say it has been worth it.
I hope I have expanded your horizon, I will be more than happy to answer any more questions.
oh consider my horizon blown... so where do babies really come from?
Hi. What are you doing right now?
Ahhhhh....the question is.....what are YOU doing right now?
I'm contemplating
Sleep is for sissies.....
YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN.................. :wink:
I'm fiddling round with my computer ... just had Windows XP installed. My goodness, the difference is quite astonishing. I feel like Speedy Gonzales!
Eating Wheat Things and joyfully anticipating drinking all the salt from the bottom of the box.
Hopefully, I'll be able to say the same soon, Olga. I've had Millenium for four years now.....good enough for my limited use, but annoying enough to want something better. XP is on my horizon soon!
Go for it, Rae! I feel like I've just crawled out of some ancient computer ( W '98) bog!
Hey, this is the big time!

welcome to the bronze age ladies... the stone age is behind you now
Right now I'm busy being mad at the New Yorker. This last week's issue had a bunch of good articles. Living where I do, I tend to get the magazine on the late side of the issue's week. So..... I want to start a post here on the article about Green Manhattan, by David Owen, about how sensible Manhattan is from a save-the-planet point of view. And... the site only has text available for Next Week's issue now, so I can't link it. Grumble, bumble, grumble, mutter, sputter... fizz.
I'm sippin' away on my echinacia earl grey tea, while reading the posts of a2k!
flipping between here and the bridge tables in BBO
right now im wondering why there is so much going on right now
Still grumbling.
It was such an interesting article..
you can tell me about it osso
Ora come ora, pratico le mie lezioni dell'italiano. Cerco di pensare come una persona italiana, ma non con successo, come voi potete vedere chiaramente. Non potete?
In questo momento, immagino tutti di voi nei nudi.
(I know that last part is wrong.



Che Imbecille!
