kickycan wrote:Okay, right now I have exactly 14 dollars and 64 cents, plus a pack of chicklets and three condoms. Will that do?
Damn, if you hadn't eaten the whole bag of fritos...I might of considered it..

maybe you could get together with Pan and pool your resources...14 dollars wouldn't buy the rose petals for the silk sheets... :wink:
Don't let her kid you Kicky...she still has the Star Wars sheets on the bed.
Kicky, the girls and I got together and decided if you spend one night with this guy we will give you 1 million dollars. We await your answer.
damn can't see the picture paulaj
If I could see that image, I might be able to give you an answer. Since you're offering a million bucks, I assume it's someone hideous.
Maybe I'll be able to see it from home, much later tonight.
Okay, I'm home now, and I still can't see it. You know, I had the same thing happen to one of my pictures once, and it was because I had mistakenly placed an html file instead of a picture. Look at the code. What is the file extension?
It was a jpeg, hold on I'll try it again.
Is that your picture or an url? If it's an url, it may be too big..
if it's your's, you need an url... (can get it from various places, one of which I gather is Irfan or some name like that.)
Sound like I know what I am saying, eh? Nah, I don't.
Can anyone see the the pic? I can but it's small.
rewatching the movie Band of Brothers.
and was deeply affected again.

it is a good work
Listening to a radio interview with Paul Gross about a new Canadian political thriller he's working on for t.v., and some lobbying he's been doing about re-appropriation of federal funding for some media 'stuff'.
ehbeth I wanted to point you to a series my sister developed and directed for Canadian TV. I'm very proud of her work.
Panzade, did you design your avatar yourself?
I bet yes.................maybe a portrait of panzade's pet
That was a pretty cruel thing to say, John-Bush.
How could you be so insensitive?
I am listening to my dog bark....
Panz, neat stuff re your sister.
I'm going through my daughters Trick or Treat bag.
Let's see.........A SNICKERS BAR!.....mmmmm.....chew-chew-chewing....this tastes good.
She's at a halloween party, I don't think she'll mind......still chewing.....That was nice but it wasn't quite enough.......hmmmm...ooooh look at that!
You'll have to excuse me as I have an appointment with a "Three Musketeer"