I'm sitting here doing searches for dog breeders, browsing the net for Christmas presents, and finishing up a small report for my 8 a.m. class.
I wish all of you lived in my state&city, so I could politely ask you to help me move my stuff 2 hrs away. I would provide everyone with tuna steaks, oriental salad, and a mean dessert for your help. oh, and beer?
I am staring at the computer monitor with glazed eyes, after watching the election for most of the night.
I have to get my butt in gear. I have a new student that I am slated to tutor at 9:30 am. Right now, I just want to go to sleep!
I am procrastinating. I am supposed to go approve a press proof this morning, but they were supposed to have it ready on Monday, so I'm making them sweat it out a little. The job is due out on Friday.
Eva, I just noticed your hair moves now. Looks Awesome.
Just a serene little breeze, Joa...thanks to jp, of course!
reading an article about cleft palate in "Clinical linguistics and phonetics"
boosting my number of posts on A2K
mentally berating myself for not working
eating peanuts and thinking of putting computer to sleep...
moaning over how long it takes a page to load
don't do that. Sleep is for the weak! Show it who its master is.
Although, at some stage the computer becomes the master, I suppose
becoming angry about something i have no control over
wondering whether it is possible for one person's life to be so sad and pathetic that they find meaning by talking to themselves and accumulating posts at A2K
finding the answer is a strong "yes"