Quote:I am also afraid of pain and "stress" associated with an "imperfect" death
On A2K, I've mentioned this aspect of suicide, fairly often. With an "imperfect" death, you could end up in a hospital, bed-ridden and unable to care for yourself. I've witnessed this situation in the hospital on several occasions, especially when the patient in-question is/was comatose.
While , such a situation is terrible for the victim, it is usually almost unbearable for family and loved ones. It's especially sad, when the patient is young, as is the case with many college-age suicide victims.
In the US, as far as I know, Utah is the only State in which assisted suicide is legal. A recent candidate in the US for the Supreme Court has stated publicly and strongly that he is against physician-assisted suicide.
I cannot take a position on suicide, whether it be self-inflicted or physician assisted, because I've never been in a mental/physical state that would drive me to a state, where I considered my life to be unlivable.
In general, I do support physician-assisted suicide, in those US States, where it is legal ...I also would support any individual/patient, who feels that nothing else, other than suicide, could eliminate their pain, in their choice of a physician-assisted suicide.