Moz I'm astounded how much gallant effort you expend at at one of--who knows how many such--a few complete strangers at a remote locations
However, for what it's worth I see the problem as one of dualism, while nothing is entirely everything while everything is partly something else. Feeling and consciousness begin with the first assembly of any sort of gadget, increasing with complexity. If its future mods end up with a robot of humanoid ability, you can be most certain it will express mood, pain, etc
It's obvious: Just because it's made of dry semiconductor parts, doesn't mean it's different in any other way than you and me
Removing parts of course would weaken but not completely destroy such; until finally it's reduced to, say, the hinge or wheelie with which we began; but at no point did it totally lose its foreboding
Thus a neutron feels; an electron.....
But why are we discussing grammar....