Mon 18 Oct, 2004 01:07 pm
What is your take on spontanious combustion? I have heard people say that no real witness accounts have been given of people who "combust". Except for mentally challenged people, who supposedly witness it happen but people refuse to believe them. Why have the mentally challenged only been able to witness it? Do some of them somehow have the power to control this happening and the make the person burst into flames by accesing other dimensions? This is a very interesting subject and I'd love to have your take on it.
I think it's people who sit near sources of gas heat--or somehow get saturated with gas... Most of the ones I've heard of fit this profile.
Why then, do only mentally ill people witness such occurances? Or is the fact above not true at all? Does anyone have any proof either way?
The 'mentally ill' aspect--I've never heard until now. Do you have a link?
On a 95 degree day, I have seen a pile of fresh grass clippings burst into flame--and I'm either retarded nor mentally ill.
Farmers--in good mental health--won't stack green hay because of the danger of spontaneous combustion.
Charles Dickens insisted that spontaneous combustion of human beings existed (and he used it at least once as a plot device). Setting poetic spontaneous combustion aside, I'd say that ideas take fire, but people do not.
when you hold in farts you burst into flames, its a known fact lol...
Introducing: Wiley E. Coyote - super genius...
I have always wondered if spontanious combustion is caused by some sort of sub atomic particle collision. I have no clue as to the violence this would cause - I have seen the splitting of an atom and the destruction that causes - but have wondered nontheless.
I don't think that the cause of spontanious combustion can simply be explained by smoldering flesh or the flashing of flesh at high temperatures - but in all honesty I have only seen a couple of tv shows on it so I am not much of an expert.
Is anyone here an expert on it? Because that would be pretty awesome. Are there any experts on this subject at all?
I was watching CSI Crimescene Investigations one night where they gave a scientific explaination for it. On the show it happened to a woman and they said it was caused by her taking sleeping pills and she was smoking. Now I know it's only a show, but I believe that the stuff in the show is based on facts.
but supposedly wen u 'spontaneously combust' doesn't it just burn the person & nothing around them inc clothes
I think the cloths end up burning as well.
Seems like I saw a show about this on the Discovery channel. I'll go see if I can find it.
Great link, very interesting.