McGentrix wrote:
HTIC - Head Theory in Charge...
OK, Gent. I agree with that. It is the predominant (so-called "mainstream") view, at this time anyway.
Many physicists have also noted that, at one time at least, to question SR was to commit unforgivable heresy. Watching what happened to others, who were ridiculed by the physics community, dismissed, didn't get promotions, etc., taught other physicists to just keep their mouths shut if they had any reservations about SR. It was hallowed dogma.
Years ago a guy named a very reputable physicist named Dingle got into a well-publicized dispute with his colleagues about the validity of SR. He was denounced as "senile," crazy, etc., and thereafter physicists were obligated to giggle and sneer at the mere mention of his name.
More recently, a Harvard physicist undertook to review the entire controversy as objectively as possible. His conclusion was that, despite the plethora of articles purporting to "refute" Dingle, not a single one of them ever honestly responded to the questions he was raising.