Thu 14 Oct, 2004 03:06 am
A Haunting (after Poe)
What noise disturbs my gentle sleep
and steals the dreams I wish to keep?
Strange sounds echo down below,
the cellar, where I loathe to go...
With candle lit, in dressing gown
I hesitantly venture down
to see what things awake me,
in fear of what awaits me.
The sound of chains across the floor,
a haunting cry, a slamming door,
are these just dreams or something more?
A flash of light across the room
broke my silent sense of doom.
Among the wine casks spirits danced
in cold pastiche of true romance,
and in the dark one figure stood,
pale, wan, in cloak with hood.
"Ghost, what do you want of me,
to steal my dreams of reverie?"
The spirit uttered just one word,
at first I thought I had misheard,
with bony finger facing me,
He simply uttered "Thee..."
Thanks. I plan to write a new spooky piece before Halloween. Muahaha....
The Great Pumpkin according to Cav!
Hmm...Linus just wasn't scary enough...I'm not quite sure where it's going to go, but we shall see.
sorry....just when is halloween?
October 31. I think only the USA and Canada celebrate Halloween.
October 31, witch (sic) I think is also Letty's birthday! Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Isn't it Guy Fawkes Day in England?
John, Halloween is just an excuse for the kids, big and little, to dress up and get treats.
Yes, it is Letty's birthday. Made it another year.
When that night approaches,
When the moon is all full,
Just look up and see me with
Goblins and ghouls,
The hat of tall blackness,
The pointed toed shoes,
The besom of strawness,
As a loon sings the blues.
Good one Letty

. Is your birthday today or on Halloween?
Halloween, colorbook. I can remember every present that I received as a child. Don't ask about those years in between, however.
A spontaneous poem for Letty
Happy Halloween Birthday
Find your presents in the hall
It's dark so grab a flashlight
Or you won't find them at all
There's a pumpkin shimmering madly
On the front porch here tonight
There's a Happy Birthday Cake smiling
As it glows with candle light
The night it should be scary
With witches ghouls and ghosts
But it is Letty's birthday
Let's drink and have a toast!

Yippee, colorbook. My first delicious card of approval. I once said that the only thing that we own is our name and our birthday.
Great, my friend.
Happy birthday, dear Letty!
Thanks, Brit. I do have a few more days to go, but I received an early surprise from my son. It was so great to hear from him and to talk to him on the phone.......
I do believe that it was Robert Lewis Stevenson who gave his birthdays away. Want mine?
No thanks, I have enough already :-)
Who you callin' Brit???
uhoh, Kelly. Aren't you from England? Wow!
Confession. I thought that you were a woman, too.
LOL! I am *in* England, but I am not an Englishman :-)