You're a good man, edgar. A damn good man.
Yesterday I also crushed a fly.
Fruit flies are all over my place. I am known to kill them often and without mercy.
Flies ain't human like crayfish.
I've posted this elsewhere, but it seems appropriate just now.
some love women some love gods
i love to dance with the arthropods
wave eyestalks and move your feet
if ya got claws click them to the beat
if ya make webs spin them fast
if ya fly ya gotta move your ass
make one last try 'fore ya hide
here come the nets and insecticide
I had a great evening downtown. I need to go downtown more often.
Almost time for my late shift at the movie theater.
I start my vacation at home, rained in. The Tomball Thanksgiving parade is scheduled for this morning, but I don't know if it can proceed. But, I can work on some writing tasks today, so all is not lost. Hope you people are doing better than I.
That's not a good way to start a vacation! Normally, I really enjoy rain for some reason, but not when it prevents me from carrying through with my plans. I hope that your writing goes well, edgar. I'm quite hungry right now and need to make myself up some food, or else I would write more here. Have a good day, all.
Get out the fold away bed, put chains and padlocks on the refridgerator - My eight year old grandson is coming to spend the night. He's as big as an eleven year old. Still a good kid.
Painkillers!! I want painkillers! but I'll have to walk up to the main campus to get them.

We hit the millionth post!
Yeah! WOuldn't it be cool if it was about painkillers!
At the risk of soundling like Anna Nicole Smith : "Yeah! Painkillers!!!!!"
Let us know how your grandson's stay goes, edgar! Hopefully you remembered to lock the pantry too...
And painkillers and 1000000 posts, fun times! I myself am swamped with work to do, but my weekend has still been somewhat relaxing.
Me n the boy is doing fine. He's watching The Big Red Dog on PBS and arguing with Punky the dog at the same time.
Up and at 'em. The sun peeked out temporarily, but it's still 90% forecast to rain. Some folks in the Houston area are already driving boats about their neighborhoods. This final squall line that's coming should be about it for a while.
I had no idea that you were getting this kinda of rain down in Houston. I guess that I need to pay attention to the news more often.
I'm amazed by how easily we are able to meet one another these days, even outside of the real of the internet. Just modern transportation is enough to impress...
Tuesday, November 23, 2004 Updated 11:30 a.m. CST
Possible tornado along coast
As Houston braces for more violent thunderstorms and the possibility of tornadoes this afternoon, coastal residents are already under a tornado warning and rising waters around Wharton are forcing thousands to flee their homes.
Yikes... Stay safe, edgar!