You shall know the pants, and the pants shall set you free.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's pants
A penny saved is pants earned.
Take care of the pence and the pants will take care of themselves.
Give us this day our daily pants.
Be they ever so humble, there's no place like pants.
Doctor Strangepants
Pants me, I don't smoke. (Kiss)
I may not be able to describe pants, but I know it when I see it - the late Justice Potter Stewart (the original word was pornography)
The Dred Pants decision. (Scott... the US Supreme Court decision that upheld the "separate but equal" doctrine)
Pants v. the Board of Education (Brown... the US Supreme Court decision that desegregated schools)
Roe v. Pants (Wade... the US Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion)
My country tis of thee
Sweet land of pants (liberty)
A Vote for Pant's is a good vote
Love thy pants as thyself
Dumbledore lowered his pants and looked at Harry thoughtfully......
(My all time fav. quote

good to see everybody playing!)
Harry Potter and the secret Pants.
Four score and seven pants ago ... (years - Lincoln)
I am not a pants. (crook - Nixon)
Before this decade is out, we shall send a man to the pants and return him safely to the earth. (moon - JFK)
I did not have pants with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. (sex - Bill Clinton)
You've got to put pants on your family. (food - GWB)
Thank you for your PANTS, (Vote, GWB)
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their pants (party)
Firefly, all that Shakespeare and yet I didn't see:
Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thy...pants?
O.k., one more:
"Being that this is a 44 Magnum, the most powerful hand gun in the world, it could blow your head clean off. Ya gotta ask yourself one question, punk:
Do you feel pants? Well, do ya, PUNK?
Give us the pants and we will finish the job.
Here's the story
of a lovely lady
who was bringing up three very lovely pants ...
<still singing>
All of them
had hair of gold...
like their mother,
the youngest one in pants...
There's no business like pants business.