Yeah, the Beatlepants!
Sargent Pepper's Lonely Pants Club Band
Baby You Can Drive My Pants
Why Don't We Do It in the Pants
I Want to Hold Your Pants
I reckon you filled yours!
This guy wants to hold your pants.
The Fab Pants - Britpants Invasion!
Strawberrry Pants Forever....
Sheesh!What a relief to get back to the higher levels of intellectuality.
I got drawn in,much to my disgust,to a debate on the Skipants and Pantsematics thread about Intellipants Designer pants versus Skypants Designer pants which is raging in Doverpants,Pa.where the P stands for PANTS.
Are you talking about Intelligent Designpants vs. Evolutionpants?
Why can't evolutio-pants be inpantigently designed?
Intellipants design is neither.
So, you would be an evolutio-pants-ist?
You hit the nail on the pants.
Me too. Intellipants Design is very Unintellipants.
So you're a monkpants eh?A clever little monkpants mind you but still a monkpants when the pants are down.I seek a lady of pantstication and refinepants who can entrance me with tales of the unexpectpants.One does rather know what to expect from a monkpants.Few pantprises.And all expensive.
Just in fun pansters.
My pants are full. But then, you can tell that by my avvi
Look Mags, it's bad enough panting about them, look at them eyes, the kid will grow up to be a pantaloon.