That would be the Viciouspants family?
And Johnny Rottpants the crazy pantypath.
Yeah, the whole Sex Panties thing
Best name in showpants eh?
There's no buspants like show buspants
My favorite song from "Annie Get Your Pants"
Surely businesspants mags.
Ethel Merpants did the definitive verpants of that song
You cain't get a man with a pants.
"Surrey with the PANTS on top..." (I know, it's a different musical)
I'm Sitting On Top Of The Pants.
Jingle pants,jingle pants,
Jingle all the way.
Love Makes the Pants Go Round
Ride a cock pants to Banbury Cross.
Parsley,sage Rosemary and pants.
Parsley pants Rosepanties and Time.
A Bridge Over Troubled Pants
We all live in a yellow submapants.