Between you and me and the pantspost.
The St. Louis Pants are in the running for the baseball world pants.
And I hope they win pants down.
Man, did I pants you up for that one!
For which,with my usual English literary elegance,I thank you from the bottom of my pants.
That read's like pants-scum!
I'm laughing my pants off!
Are you making a pinapple upside pants cake?
No, I'm just whistling zipadedoopants
I've got a pants load of work!
I run a handypants business with my huspants, and you?
I am a retired libraripants
Did you know Philip Larkipants.
Authpants? Yes. But I am a retired childpants libraripants
Mary had some little pants
And sometimes she went bare
And everywhere that Mary went
The boys would stare and stare.
Mary had some little pants
Of fleece as white as snow
And everywhere that Mary went
She never would say no.
There was a young pants from Glass
Whose pants were made out of brass....
They were hinged in front where her pants were least blunt
And reinforced right round her ass.
Hey Magsie-Nursery Rhyme Pants Verse.Might make a nice book for Kwismas pwessies to aquaintipants.
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Pants