I don't care for being reminded of my pants.
I'm sorry magsie.I have been on the pants thread.
I'm panty pant.
You must keep your pants on the subject at hand
Will that get me to the happy-hunting pants?
Yes, you will be clothed in pants of gold
Hey-I'm pantfused.
Is it "Too many pants spoil the broth" or
is it "Too many cooks spoil the pants".
No...just add a pinch of Pants
And serve with a slice of crusty pants.
Lift up your pants to the Lord!
You can avoid everything but death and Pants
It's getting like a pantsomime
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but Pants will never hurt me
I'm taking my pants off right now.I'm sick of pants.
It's pants,pants,pants ad nausepants.
I know. It's been raining cats and Pants
Sorry mags-
I'm up to my synapses in pants on the intellectual's threads.The ones in the stratopants on the main pants index.
That's too high-Pants for me. I'm a low-Pants sort of perpants
You have your pants down eh?
Have you heard of Paddy Pantsdown?
No never heard of him;
But my pants are not down; my pants are flying pants