When you wish upon a PANTS(star)...
Operation Pants.(Petticoat).
The Brady PANTS
(Albout 70's fashion- or lack thereof)
Mr Blair has negotiated a reduction in the budget pants.(Sky TV News-that's a movie isn't it?)
Only the Sith deal in pants. (absolutes)--Star Wars episode III
The call is coming from inside the pants!-- (house)
from Scream, if I'm remembering right... ?
The meek may inherit the earth but they don't get in to pants. (Harvard) --Dead Poets Society
are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna pants? --(bite) Reservoir Dogs
She turned left at the third set of lights and had soon lost her pants.(Coronation St.)
I learnt a new word - despairs. It means the amount of pants in the wardrobe that you keep in the hope that sometime in the future you will be able to fit into them again (But secretly you know you'll never be that slim again.)
The remembrance of her pants cast an ineffable aura of charm over Roger's memory of her visit to his country retreat.(perfume).
The Duchess Rides Out by Barbara Cartland.
"I could've PANTSed all night..."
It destroys one's pants to be amiable every day to the same human being. (nerves)
Benjamin Disraeli
"You know how to whistle, don't you ... You just put your PANTS together and blow."

I laughed at loud at the last two! Good ones, Clary and dev!
Thank you. We live to make you PANTS. (I mean laugh!)
Your either with pants or against pants. (us)
It was the best of pants. It was the worst of pants.
(time) - Dickens
Four score and seven pants ago, our fore fathers ....
We the pants, in order to form a more perfect union...