The pants of the opera
-Christine:Her Father promised her that he would send her the Angel of Pants. Her father promised her... Her father promised her... (music)
-Phantom: Masquerade paper faces on parade. Masquerade hide you face so the pants will never find you. (world)
-Christine: This haunted face holds no horror for me now. It's in your pants that the true distortion lies. (soul)
-Christine: I gave my pants blindly. (mind)
-Phantom: You try my pants. Make your choice. (patience)
-Madame Giry: We take particular pride in the excellence of our pants, monsieur. (ballet)
Spongebob Squarepants (already done for me

-King Neptune: You there, be back with my pants in exactly 10 days. (crown)
-"I can't believe anybody would celebrate a holiday where a jolly prowler breaks into your house and leaves pants." - Squidward. (gifts)
-ok spongebob is hard because the quotes are already screwy and funny