That's what I don't understand; why any chicken would invite this fox into their pen. This guys a known scammer, liar, and misogynist.
@cicerone imposter,
Unfortunately, the system attracts that kind of scum, CI.
@cicerone imposter,
Yes, but he's at the top of ticket for authoritarian regimes. It doesn't make sense other than the folks who think they are downtrodden buy into the snake oil and MIRACULOUSLY think Trump Will look out for them. HahahahaahHahhHh, lemmings like builder.,
Trump's an actor. It's all theatre.
As for lemmings, didn't you once work for this theatre?
Or is that all BS as well?
Not great, but keep trying, even a broken clock is right twice a day. (
Yeppers. Smells like it.
If only the two-party system coughed up more than just old phlegm to run for prez. People might actually reconnect with the political process.
The conservatives I personally know don't connect that all that rugged individualism they and their leaders preach is reserved just for the general public, but not big business and politicians.
Doesnt he look like a carp with a wig?
Heres his High SChool picture (he diidnt have the wig on)
The ONLY ones regretting they voted for Trump are democrats with intolerant liberal friends & family.
I was very afraid that I might, but every move he has made since winning has made me more confident.
He's is going to have to be one hell of a fighter though - thank God the GOP retained Congress.
Yes, Obama had to fight against Republicans in congress, but he never had to fight against the News and Entertainment Media. Trump will.
If anyone is up for such a fight, it's Trump.
He has two years to transform Washington, to drain the swamp. There is no guarantee Dems will take back the Senate or House in 2018, but he should govern as if they will.
This country is on a precipice, but in order for us not to fall off of it, Trump & Co needs to crush the Left in DC and leave them in tatters. Make changes that will take years to reverse.
Frankly, I think that's too much to ask of him, but we'll see.
In two years, if they are truly determined, we can be just like 1924.
When it comes to liberal democrats in DC, Trump must show no quarter.
@cicerone imposter,
Unless they screw up even more than Bush 43 did, and tank the economy permanently.
I thought carps' teeth were in their throat.
If they stay away from buying Trump products, they should be relatively safe.
What will all the libitards do with all the extra money they find in their pockets during a Trump administration?
the same thing I did as the stock market recovered when Obama cured us of the Bush Financial Melt down. Do you have any brain cells in charge of memory at all?
When the Stock MArket came back, I saw many early on opportunities to reinvest and take up more target stocks and index funds. Percentage wise, Im actually doing better than Trumps returns from real estate.
Warren Buffet and Bill Gates can each buy and sell Trump several times over. John Bogle and Buffet both said that Trump woulda made some real money of he understood index stocks. He wouldnt have gotten himself into so damn many bankruptcies resulting from hisincompetent management