Welcome Cavfancier!

on the Keanu Reeves humor.
I have Bram Stoker's Dracula and will be watching it when I have the time. Thanks for the recommendation LW.
If you have the real Bram Stoker's Dracula, watch your neck!
Richard Matheson has authored a lot of the teleplays for "The Twilight Zone" including one for his classic story about a janitor with a third eye in an apartment building. Only one person caught a glimps of it and began to tell the other tenants. Naturally, they' wouldn't believe him until he was able to convice a few and they began to spy. Then they found what looked like huge rocket engines in the basement and went to warn everyone. A loud roar ensued and everyone began running from the building. I don't want to give away the ending as you can catch it on one of the many "Twilight Zone" reruns, especially the marathons that are coming up for Halloween. Matheson also scripted for "The Outer Limits." His most second most famous story is "Born of Man and Woman" and there is a short film that was shown at the 1957 Sci-Fi Westercon but I've never seen it since. As mentioned before, "The Last Man on Earth" is also based on "I Am Legend." "The Incredible Shrinking Man" is Matheson's most famous book made into a very good film.
Getting to know you
LW, this is one I have not seen, so I will not comment. I will be joining you whenever I can. I like your new forum.
Welcome Hazlitt!
I expanded this to include all Dracula movies and especially the Lugosi which is also in the book of 100 great movies and online.