Mon 31 Oct, 2016 04:11 pm
Throughout the semester, we’ve been reading and discussing how different writers imagined social, political, ethical, or ideological concerns as types of monsters that both popular narratives (movies, television, novels, etc) and popular rhetoric (essays, political speeches, etc) tend to reflect or represent. For your next essay, find an essay, speech, story, poem/song, play, movie, or television show that makes a monster of a particular idea. Write an argument that explains how the text explicitly uses a monster to illustrate a certain idea or implicitly characterizes a certain idea as a type of monster. After that, proceed to refute or reject that argument or characterization with the logical application of research from professional and academic sources (Galileo, Google Scholar, EBSCO, JSTOR, etc are great search engines for such research—otherwise use only .org or .edu sites).
Not asking for anyone to write my essay for me! Just need help developing a thesis.
Gee Clay what you've got there seems perfectly okay
That is the essay prompt.
Alas Clay, don't know all them ed terms
Good luck tho; we do have some very smart folk
Try Satan from the Bible.
Boss Tweed or George Wallace
What would be the idea behind the monster they represent and how would I go about refuting it?