The Clinton foundation is a charitable institution. The Clintons don't benefit directly from it, unlike Trump's who uses his "charitable institution," to buy statues of himself and pay off legal fees.
Lots of countries and institutions have paid into the Clinton foundation. Yet you take one relatively small donation, by Saudi standards and see it as proof the Saudis are buying influence with Obama.
That's all the proof you have, supposition and innuendo. Now if there had been some sudden seed change in the sale of military equipment to the Saudis you might have a point, but you don't. America's trading relationship with the Saudis has gone on as normal.
Now this sort of bollocks may go down well will people who say, "Gee Whizz" and "Shucks" all the time, but it cuts no ice with anyone who has a basic understanding of international trade and Geography.
Let me simplify it, facts mean something, suppositions, smears and innuendo don't mean anything. They do say a lot about the person dealing in supposition though, it means they don't have any facts.