cricket would keep you amused sans power better....
I have bowled a maiden over. Plenty many years ago.
You have Rugby League on Guam? Will I see a team in the sevens???
oldandknew wrote:Ah cricket, lovely cricket. The English village green in summer. The tinkle of teacups. Polite chatter. Applause for some good play.
The cracking sound of willow bat on leather ball. Thus we see the waste of a good rugby football pitch. But wait, the afternoon may yet have a moment of excitement. A big hit and the ball crashes thru a club house window, glass everywhere. Then it hits the club chairman squarely on the back of the head and sends him off to Never Never Land and the great clubhouse in the sky. So there you have it, in a nutcase. Cricket, a game for gentlemen and homicidal maniacs
Sorry, there's no Englishmen who can hit the ball that far any more.
Wilso == On a small ground with a gale force wind blowing, small miracles do happen. I am sure that there are several village blacksmiths who would bet you 1 Rolf Harris painting to 1 episode of Neighbors that it can be done.
They probably could, Wilso - but not if they were facing Oz bowling! Aussies hit it that far regularly when facing English bowling!
The Poms may be more successful when playing amongst themselves (almost said playing with themselves!)
Last 4 - Oz, India, Sefrica, and.........?Sri Lanka, NZ?
MArgo, predicting that India might be in the last 4 has endeared you to me even more
My last 4
Oz, Pakistan (I hate to admit that), SA and SL
Beware the pungent linseed oil.
May the willow wax glorious, the leather leap at middle and off. May all the short legs grow in stature and the slips catch with silky skills, beyond the reach of mortal man. A late square cut, a huge straight drive and then a lofted pull. Dancing feet and sweated brow. Weary fingers and aching arms. Shouts of appeal, he must be out. The umpire squints his beady eyes and shakes his wise old head.
May the underdogs have their brilliant if futile moment of glory
May the bookies favorites have 20 overs of total ineptitude.
But most of all, let it be fun, fun and yet more fun.
Quote:With the flannelled fools at the wicket or the muddied oafs at the goals
Kipling. You like Kipling? Never been Kippled, doncha know...
All I know about cricket I learned in the recent movie Lagaan. Not much. Though due to a short stint in England when I was a child (father in USAF stationed there), I still have a cricket bat (

) together with all my old baseball bats.
H o w w z a t t t t ! ? ? ? ? ?
Wilso wrote:You have Rugby League on Guam? Will I see a team in the sevens???
they play mostly for recreation. the league for the most part is made up of displaced aussies, kiwi's, and a few samoans and tongans. the aussies formed a training clinic to explain the game and to get more people involved. the rugby league is gaining popularity and more teams have been formed.
That is SOME avatar Mr Stillwater!
Why thank'ee ma'am...
<reads 'do not PROVOKE the bunny', checks on-line dictionary for meaning of 'provoke'... uh, oh... whistles tunelessly while making measured retreat to nearest street corner, RUN!!?>
Someone's got a nice set of balls...
hi domgy...just checking idea what cricket is, cept maybe something close to croquet...must be a NE thing.