Wed 29 Sep, 2004 08:36 am
I used to be able to say with true conviction that I was a Christian....I can't anymore.
I believe there is a God who functions as a creator. I believe that God has and will intervene in human existence. I believe God hears prayers. I believe in an afterlife.
That's all I can say with certainty.
I believe the bible, Christianity, Isalm, bla bla bla, is totally politicized and perverted and you can't trust it, but I can't bring myself to throw the baby out with the bathwater, so I've decided to pray to and worship an "Unknown" God and just ask for strength, peacefulness, maybe a little understanding and a reduced stress level.
Here's the deal. I need a logo for this God, something I can see, maybe get tattooed on myself somewhere. And don't give me any of this "no idols" bullshit. If genuflecting to a man nailed to a cross in every art media including black velvet is not idolatry I don't know what is. Just help me out here, all you talented A2Kers. Who Knows maybe if I get peaceful I'll stop talking about sex all the time.
You could always grab the symbol off an ecstasy tablet.
Bi, just look frequently at a picture of your family--proof enough, my friend.
How about this:
Only with God handing Adam a Magic 8 Ball?
I'm partial to Ganesh:
How cool would this be for a tattoo? (I might need to use it...)
More on Ganesh:
Quote:The Lord of Success
The son of Shiva and Parvati, Ganesha has an elephantine countenance with a curved trunk and big ears, and a huge pot-bellied body of a human being. He is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. He is also worshipped as the god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth. In fact, Ganesha is one of the five prime Hindu deities (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Durga being the other four) whose idolatry is glorified as the panchayatana puja.
No one ever takes me wonder I'm having a you not hear my cries for help?
thanks soz but I need something not affiliated with just one belief or religion...I need something inclusive........or completely different......
BPB, are you looking for an image or a statement?
Well then.
How about a mobius strip? That has a kind of eternal quality.
The element of reverence with a hint of scepticism, that I quite share with you.
Try using the image of the index finger pointing, to something up there, but not quite sure to what.
(Ste Gertrude)
I like the mobius strip thing
k I like the first one but I'd have to mortgage the house for the tattoo...and it'd take up my whole back.....and I'm afraid to get in position to see it my head might fall up my ass......even further.... :wink:
you don't have to get it that big!
I'm trying to get the "unknown god" thing across....
ok, but that's tricky.... from the images on google perspective.
what do you consider godly? Sunset, lightning, a tree, a mountain, a baby.....? What feels religious to you?
Quest...confusion....longing for knowledge....helplessness...submission before the inevitable, immovable, and inscutable.