Raising hand..just another idiot here as well

Actually my father breeded fish and he kept some little snails..I can remember those egg sacks on the glass and waiting until there was enough meat there...squish..fish food...pretty simple.
these however are different....I aint touching those eggs.
And I guess the simplest way to kill these snails is to put them in the fridge and then into the freezer so, its not so bad.
Gotta share..cuz I know you all are just waiting for interesting updates....
Well, just like a man...he loves her and leaves her a broken shell of a woman...
after some searching it seems this isnt unnatural but, man..hes pretty rough to have worn way a hunk of her shell..and another part is chipped..maybe she likes it that way?
And he....well that horny devil...I was greeted with his member all hanging out this morning trailing along with him..fa la la
PUT THAT THING AWAY dangit..you've caused enough trouble already..argh