Tue 21 Sep, 2004 09:39 pm
The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.
--- John Locke
Too often people have a lack of understanding. It's hard for us to understand understanding. We ourselves are often confused by our actions and many times get frustrated with people who do things even we ourselves may do. We don't understand because we don't give "understanding" an opportunity. We'd rather go with what we assume than understand. People tend to assume things and see them one sided or interpret them wrongly, or how we wish things to be. All we have are primitive assumptions and prejudices. Human understanding is limited because everything we understand is clouded by our own words. We may look upon the same world but through different eye. Cannot truly see through others eyes without losing ourselves and becoming them.
To understand means to grasp the reasonableness of something, to accept as a fact or truth or regard as plausible without utter certainty. To know and comprehend the nature or meaning of. Yet just because we do not not understand does not mean something does not exist. Sometimes we understand, but cannot explain .. is that possible? When is it that we truly understand? "Sometimes I have a generalized conception of something, but do not have enough in-depth information to explain it to another person. Words cannot always adequately blueprint a thought because thoughts can be more easily arrived at than the words required to reflect it. Not everyone is Shakespeare (and even he would have had some problems). Many people are in fact semi-illiterate; they're usually the ones who "hide it" in the form of "poetry". Also, if words are our only "rational" means of conveying information then a majority of thoughts simply don't qualify."
There is a difference in understanding words and concepts and understanding people. People are more complex, and although many things we understand cannot be explained .. people themselves cannot be explained. And many times misunderstood. You never really understand someone cuz they never understand themselves we muddle through life, that's what we do. Impossible to really understand someone and not love them the way they love themselves. Once you really understand someone's purpose you cant hate them because you find the desire in your heart. And really, if you cannot understand yourself, what hope do you have in understanding anyone else?
sry guys another long one...
I look forward to your participation in our little colloquiums. Clarity of thought and expression are always welcome.
Indecisive - Welcome - Just watch out for that Asherman character

- he will bend your noodle!
Your logic seems resoanable, but you made one statement that I wonder if I am reasoning in the way that it was implied. That implication concerns the last paragraph where you said that we muddle through life. Was that a personal statement and does that deal your with understanding and reasoning?
...I got the feeling while reading your post that I should be checking between the lines.
I checked...and was unable to come up with anything. But I suspect that was due to a lack on my part...not on the part of a lack of "between the lines" material.
Any chance you want to flesh your thesis out a bit...with some specificity if possible.???