extra medium wrote:Frank,
I see *some* of your points. On the other hand, I don't.
It appears that you think most everything here adds up to "meaningless guesswork." So in your opinion, why should we bother having this Philosophy & Debate Forum at all?
You are not even close to capturing my position, EM.
I want to discuss this VERY MUCH...and I am delighted this forum is here for that purpose.
I think a lot of the world's problems could be eased if humans could come to grips with the fact that we appear to be on our own here...and that the belief systems of the world, while admittedly of value to individuals, tend to accumulate in a whole that is incredibly destructive of humanity.
Quote:Its fairly easy to agree: NOTHING CAN BE PROVEN. Everything in our existence can easily be dismissed as "guesswork."
I am not asking for proof...and I realize the incredibly difficult task undertaken when anyone is attempting to prove anything.
I am simply trying to communicate some information about the guesses some people are making SPECIFICALLY ABOUT THE NATURE OF REALITY...which I see to be a destructive force here on planet Earth.
Quote:Can you prove that you are alive? Can you prove that you are not dreaming at this very moment?
Quote: We either accept the value of Philosophy & Debate, or we don't. I choose to believe in the value of philosophy & debate. I guess one could debate that too.
Well I certainly wouldn't be the one debating it with you, because I think it has enormous value. That is why I do so much of it.
Quote:I think without some of this "guesswork" we'd still be living in caves figuratively and literally. Which might not be so very bad...we'd still be looking at the shadows illumated by the fire on the cave wall, and calling that reality. Which most of us probably do anyway.
Nothing wrong with guesswork, EM, I do it all the time.
I do get disturbed when guesses are disguised by the use of the word "believe"...for reasons that I have carefully explained in many, many threads.
Quote:Here's a quote from the Admin post for Philosophy & Debate Forum Guidelines
Our wish for this forum is that all who attend come away with a richer understanding of the issues being debated, and with an increased appreciation of differing viewpoints held by others. These guidelines are in place to encourage that end above any others."
And I do all in my power to enable that end. So what is your point?
Quote:Sometimes, it isn't so much that some of us might look to i.e. Buddhism as being The Answer, I feel often its like we're looking to learn the Buddhist perspective on things, for example. To understand & comprehend Buddhism. Not that it is necessarily The One & Only Truth. Its just that we've been so inundated in the West with Christianity (especially twisted Christianity that doesn't resemble Jesus's teachings in my opinion), we've been so inundated with that view, its nice to be able to learn about other perspectives out there in this world.
I have no problem with that. I am merely calling attention to the fact that Buddhism, like all the other religions...tends to peddle some of its guesswork as fact.
I think there is value in mentioning that.
If people here debate various topics, then someone comes along (as they appear to at irregular intervals) and claims that everyone here is basically beneath them, this is all guesswork, etc. then...Why even have this Debate Forum (in your opinion)?
I'm not sure where all that is coming from...but if you are applying it to me, you are way off base.
Quote:I'm not trying to be sarcastic, etc.
I'm just trying to clarify your message in my mind.
I appreciate that...and I am trying to help you understand what I am saying.
I'd also be interested in your logical proof that Buddhism, for example, is guesswork. Seriously.
You seem to have an obssession with proof.
I have no proofs for you.
I am not looking for proofs...I am looking for the evidence that is used to come to the conclusions various religions come to.
If you want to think the Buddhist position on reincarnation, for instance, is NOT guesswork...you certainly are entitled to that thought.
I think it is guesswork...just as I think non-dualism is guesswork.
No proof...just speculation on my part.
But if they are going to insist it is so...a certain burden accrues to them to provide whatever evidence they have.
I see none forthcoming.