I need help in finding similar works by this photographer. Attended an estate sale today with every intention of purchasing this work. However I should have planned to show up over an hour prior to start as there was quite a crowd with line numbers being given. My number was among the fourth group of people to enter and unfortunately the work was already purchased. The company handling the estate did not know anything about the photograph other than they believe it was from a Chinese photograph based on the signature on the mat. They were kind enough to share the image of the photo and a close up of the signature.
If anyone could please help I am hoping to find a similar piece by this individual. Many thanks!
Thank you for your response. Unfortunately the information which I was provided was very limited. In addition those were the only two images provided. I appreciate your help and perhaps I can find someone to translate the dedication / signature. Thanks!!
It was an estate sale and they had no additional information. In fact it was listed as a Chinese Photographer photo of Sand Dunes. They did not provide me with the price it was listed at or what it sold for but I'm hoping that I can reach out to them since the estate sale ended today and can get that info.