What intrepid & curious critters we have .... Seems they'll try just about
anything to keep us humans on our toes! Or to get an extra feed, or a pat:lol:
Dream & dlowan
Cats ALLOWED you to vacuum them? Really?

Oh, if only, if only it were possible to do that to my 3! I won't go into the details (you can imagine, anyway ..) but it is SO time-consuming brushing them, vacuuming their loose fur, etc, etc ... In fact, I feel my nostrils twitching right now..

But what an AMAZING idea: that they actually enjoyed it! Very funny. Love to see that!
Joanne & littlek
So I take it that both of you have no use for a dish washer?
What is it about cats HAVING to be in the toilet with you? Maybe it's refusing to be locked out of ANY place? Bossy little beasts! Curious: What is Possum's technique for telling you you should go to bed? Loud meowing? And he attacked the cat sitter for not following bed time orders? Wicked, wicked Possum!
What antics does Mysan employ to entertain the guests?
Ah, another TV cat! Does it make you feel like a cushion, or a bed?
LarryBS & Joanne
I have absolutely no doubt that cats are superior beings! The problem is that they know it, too! What a life they have! I'm jealous!