My grandpa gave me this piece of advice when arguing with a woman:
"When you feel like debating with her, keep asking yourself: 'Do I want to be right, or do I want to be in her good graces?'"
You can very much win the argument logically. (the battle)
And very much lose her feelings for you. (the war)
But to win the argument and stay in good graces appear to be nearly impossible?
Ask yourself: How do you feel about someone (male or female) after they have completely dismantled your logic, utterly destroyed and humiliated you in an argument. They won, by any fair account. Still: Do you feel like immediately giving them a lot of love on any level?
When you feel like arguing, keep asking yourself: "Where do I really want to be? Where do I really want to be?" "Do I want to be right, or have a loving day/evening?"
I've found this works wonders. Most arguments with close loved ones aren't worth engaging in.
Thats why I vent and dump all my petty grievances and arguments on this board!
And I love all of you for allowing me to do that.