Athos, I say we still share many characteristics between as latin or hispanic countries... even if we are different.
True, but my point is that they shouldn' t overlook that fact
Ok... we're on the same channel now
Diane speaking of art there is a terrific quarterly art magazine published in Bogota called "ART NEXUS" (in Colombia "Arte de Colombia). It covers current shows through out Latin America including the Caribbean and Hispanic art in US cities. It's published in both English and Spanish versions. One of the best contemporary art magazines available in my opinion.
Your notions about South America:
Very romantic, more laid back type of atmosphere where people enjoy people more than they do here. I fell madly in love with Costa Rican culture in general. They seem to have a predisposition towards happiness, and I can't tell you how much I admire them for it.
One language difference I noticed:
Instead of saying de nada... they say mucho gusto!... and really seem to mean it! It makes me smile just to think of the Ticos and their warm outlook on life. One day, I will join them.
Oops, you said South not Central... Craven tells me Brazil is much the same as CR, and I believe him. :wink:
JoeFX wrote:Ah, I've always wondered the same thing but instead of South America, just Mexico.
I know some people think of Tijuana as a whore house and the epitome of decadent lifestyle.
And I know some people think of mexicans as small, mustached, dark skinned men who don't take their sombrero and sarape off and sleep on the shawows of cactuces.
But I don't know how many people think that. I tend to think that not too many... but I might be wrong.
No offense, but that's exactly how Mexico is. I mean, let's be realistic most of Mexicans are indeed dark-skinned. Don't get me started with Tijuana. But anyway....
South America, on the other hand, is more advanced and civilized with a more European background. I took two yrs. of Geography in college and this is what I was taught as a scholar. In US high schools we're not taught much about Central and South America, as well as Australia. It was in college when we explored different countries and cultures.
To say that Mexico is exactly like that is farfetched.
Oh fer chrissake, Joe, who are you to comment on Tijuana . . . you make it sound like you're an expert or something . . .
Personally, i've always felt that South America is more or less south of where i live . . .
. . . apart from that, i haven't formed an opinion . . .
I was hoping for some good dirt on the Argentinos . . . i know you guys got a million jokes, cough 'em up . . .
Here, i'll start:
How did the Argentine commit suicide?
He jumped from the top of his ego.
How did he die?
He starved to death on the way down.
I think it is fair to ask you the same question.
I live in the United States.
I have heard that most people in the world think we live decadent lives on streets paved with gold and have no real worries. There is also the stereotype of estadounidenses as ignorant of anything outside their own country.
Is this what you all think of us?
I'm wondering of course if the Duke is a kidder. Let me hope so.
On South America, it's a big and complex place. I've followed various bits of travel, literature, scandal, politics, and deep destruction, but my knowledge is extremely superficial.
I do have a pal from my old neighborhood who has been to Brazil about ten times and had Brazilians reciprocate and stay at his house (I get forwards of some of their emails of a non personal nature), who writes good diaries from his point of view, but haven't been able to natter him to post here.
Have another online friend who posted once and only once at abuzz, who I wish would join in the conversation here. He teaches art and architecture history in Buenos Aires and is very knowledgeable about europe, and of course about Buenos Aires; I think he teaches in Rome too.
And so what, re me - just that I wish various online and real life pals could talk over a nice meal with a good view.
American's stereotype...
Hmm... First let me state clearly that what I'm about to post are STEREOTYPES, not my opinion on the matter.
Ignorants, obnoxious, greatness delirium, superiority complex, ambitious, hypocrites.
But apart from that, we're really wonderful guys, right?
I think that's funny.
If you posted that list of descriptors and asked what country's citizens are being described, I bet you'd get a whack of different answers.
So much for stereotypes....
I am not ambitious.
Yeah.. it's all stereotypes: between countries, between states, between cities.
Why don't the argetinians ever take a shower with hot water?
Because then the mirror becomes blurry.
This reminded me of "Conan O' Brien Hates my Homeland"
Ta, Boss, thanks, i'll add that to my repetoire . . .
Map sent to President Bush by the Brazilians, for the use of the Air Force:
What is the best deal on earth?
To buy an Argentine for what he really is worth, and then sell him to the Norte Americanos for what he thinks he is worth.