Nudie pics and their photo negatives of the Duke of Edinburgh in a pink Speedo...
<snicker> Good one. Welcome to A2K, footdoctor413!
Thanks to New Haven's link, I now know what Marmite is. Queenie probably does have a jar of it in her purse. And it's probably stuck to the photo of the duke in his speedo.
Welcome to a2k, footdoctor 413! An auspicious beginning.
And both those items are probably stuck to a tube of Preparation H...
<Thanks for the welcomes!>
Doesn't the Queen have a cel phone with which she text-messages with the Queen of Belgium and other peers?
Jespah, There's a queen of Belgium? Does she have a purse? As for the queen of England, my guess is she does have a cell phone. Would she talk to heads of principalities, like Monaco? Or does she stick with kings and queens. Is Michael Jackson on her speed dial? He's the self-proclaimed king of pop.
I saw something in the NY Times online today, about shimmering bugs (scarabs, stuff like that) being used to decorate, er, something for the Queen o' Belgium.
I wonder if Liz II has seen Elvis. He was, after all, the King.
she probably gets Phil the Greek to do the Elvis clone on April fools day
Oh oak, Queenie is one of the few who knows that Elvis LIVES!!!
He has a little pad in the castle. He is most definitely on her speed dial, because the cheese burger is for him. He likes take out.
Plenty of McDons not far from Buck House, Diane.
So thats 6 big macs, fully loaded, 6 large fries and 6 large shakes to go. Oh and a doggie bag for the corgies.
They could probably just about manage the hand jive, albeit slowly.
Elvis likes McDonald's? I thought his favorite was fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I guess he could make room for a Big Mac with cheese or two or three.
When I think how I grieved for him. . . and there he is in his own apartment in Buckingham Palace. Another bubble--burst.
Ah those bubbles Roberta. Such fragile objects, that are often the victim of the fickle finger of fate. As are gossama wings and star dust .
Try some rays of sunlight or a jar full of moonbeams instead.
In the purse?
Well now, it's a little old Honey Bee!
Does Elvis have a purse too?
Looking at those all in one stage suits of his, I'd say he in fact wore a purse.
In fact, Elvis and Liz II are together designing new handbags for the granny set. These allow one to carry cookies (insulated refrigerated compartments allow for this), a cel phone and a small jar of Vicks Vapo-Rub without any mixing of the aromas of the various items.
They are also working on a line of matching yet sensible shoes.
I read the other day, that Liz was seen at an official meeting wearing a pants suit.
Things are changing!
oldandknew, I have two things to say to you. First:
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air.
They fly so high
Nearly reach the sky.
Then like my dreams
They fade and die.
Fortune's always hiding.
I've looked everywhere.
So, I'm forever blowing bubbles.
Pretty bubbles in the air.
Second, "Looking at those all in one stage suits of his, I'd say he in fact wore a purse." ROFLMAO, and so true.
Jespah, I'm glad that Queenie and the King are not wasting their time lolling around in idle royalness. I eagerly await the new line of purses.
New Haven, A pants suit!!??!! Thud.
A pen and the family crest.

And there will have to be a Queenie & Elvis CD, but what songs should they sing ???? any ideas ???
how about they open with
Roberta seems to like "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles"