snood wrote:
Quote:please show me a country that offers Black folk as much opportunity as the U.S.
Yeah, they were even nice enough to come and give us a ride here to start giving us all that opportunity. Why, black people shouldn't have anything to say to white corporate power but "Thank you, suh".
Well, since the Pharohs in the Exodus story were Black Africans (Arabs came more than a millenium later), and if you subscribe to any portion of it as true, then one would have to say that Hebrews were the same complexion as the Royal family, so Moses, taken out of the bullrushes, did not stand out like a sore thumb so to speak. My point being, Jews (aka, Hebrews) are basically a mutt today, with a fair percentage due to rapes. That being the case, the need to focus on past injustices is just counter productive. But, if you need to hold a grudge with dead white men, be my guest. It might be analogous to when in basic training, during the Vietnam Era, a Southerner called out, "The South shall rise again." And, some Northern guys would just mutter to each other that "they" (Southern whites) are still fighting the Civil War. I guess one could make an argument that American Blacks are still dealing with the Middle Passage. Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm (Don't that beat all!).
You can thank "white corporate power" more definitively for developing a form of business that has outlasted the original owner, so others can have jobs; that is the value of corporate America as taught by my management professor.