i live in NJ
on 8/13/04 i was in an auto accident. a lady (78 years old) made a left turn from a side steet and stoped in front of me, she was at fault. my girl friend was in the passinger seat. she was injured. she has been in bed since the accident. we both went to the hospital.
nj is a no fault insurane state, so her medical bills are paid though her parents insurance becouse she donst have insurance or a drivers license.
her mother is telling us that she has to sue bcouse its her insurance. is that true, or can my girlfriend sue? we are worried that her mother will spend all the money and she wont see any of it.
(it has happend before when she was minor. she is no longer a minor)
question 2.
the insurance company totaled my car. the game me a value of 1775.50 from a company callled CCC valuescope. blue book value is $3710 and NADA value is $2650. apon argueing the value of my car the insurance co said they cannot change the value of my car, however they want to pay me for a rental car i didnt use at $25 a day for 20 days. plus $128 for lost wages. brings what they are willing to give me to $2400.
should i take this offer or hold out and sue for property damages. can i get much more out of them?
question 3:
anyone know a good lawyer in NJ
feel free to e-mail me if you think you can help me out.
[email protected]