Here are the solutions to the riddle using your rules:
col: | yellow | blue | red | green | white |
nat: | nor | dane | brit | german | swede |
bev: | water | tea | milk | coffee | beer |
pet: | cats | horses | birds | fish | dogs |
smo: | dunhill | blends | pall_mall | prince | blue_master |
col: | green | blue | red | yellow | white |
nat: | nor | german | brit | dane | swede |
bev: | coffee | water | milk | tea | beer |
pet: | birds | fish | horses | cats | dogs |
smo: | pall_mall | prince | blends | dunhill | blue_master |
col: | green | blue | red | yellow | white |
nat: | nor | german | brit | dane | swede |
bev: | coffee | water | milk | tea | beer |
pet: | birds | cats | horses | fish | dogs |
smo: | pall_mall | prince | blends | dunhill | blue_master |
col: | green | blue | white | red | yellow |
nat: | nor | german | swede | brit | dane |
bev: | coffee | water | milk | beer | tea |
pet: | birds | cats | dogs | horses | fish |
smo: | pall_mall | prince | blends | blue_master | dunhill |
col: | green | blue | yellow | red | white |
nat: | nor | german | swede | brit | dane |
bev: | coffee | water | milk | beer | tea |
pet: | fish | cats | dogs | horses | birds |
smo: | blends | prince | dunhill | blue_master | pall_mall |
col: | green | blue | white | yellow | red |
nat: | nor | german | swede | dane | brit |
bev: | coffee | water | milk | tea | beer |
pet: | birds | fish | dogs | cats | horses |
smo: | pall_mall | prince | blends | dunhill | blue_master |
col: | green | blue | white | yellow | red |
nat: | nor | german | swede | dane | brit |
bev: | coffee | water | milk | tea | beer |
pet: | birds | cats | dogs | fish | horses |
smo: | pall_mall | prince | blends | dunhill | blue_master |
With your clue change, that makes 7 possible housing ordering solutions.
It seems unlikely that there would be 3 equally likely answers.
Using the clue to mean directly adjacent, there is only one possible solution.
Seeing how it would be odd to write a riddle with multiple conflicting solutions,
your interpretation is unlikely to be valid.
(I wrote a program that takes all the housing permutations, and then makes filters from the clues to reduce the permutations down to a manageable number)
My conclusion: not an alternative answer.