Fri 3 Sep, 2004 02:04 pm
I am writing up my geography coursework for GCSE and for the task I visited a town did pedestrian counts, car park surveys, traffic counts, land use surveys.....
On the help sheet provided under methodology it says:
''Describe the first-hand methods of data collection used, in detail. You must explain the rationale behind each technique. For each technique, explain how the data was collected and why the technique was used. You need to tell the reader how the data coming from that particular technnique contributes to solving one of your objectives. Describe the sequence of the investigation - what, where, when and why? Give the times and dates when surveys were carried out. Include examples of data recording sheets used. Show and explain any scales (e.g. bipolar semantic) or keys (e.g. land use) used. Describe and sketch any equipment used. The reader must be provided with an accurate description of what you did and why you did it, such that he/she could repeat the exercise from your account.
Here is the criteria for top marks (6 marks) for this section:
Level 3 The candidate describes and explains both the purpose of the study and how the methods used in collecting the data, e.g. location and timing, are relevant to that study. Observation, collection and recording of all relevant information take place using a comprehensive range of valid techniques. The work is well organised, planned and shows some evidence of originality and initiative by the candidate. (5-6 marks).
So far I have done this:
Data collection is a crucial stage in the planning and implementation of a study. If the data collection has been hasty, biased or incomplete, data analysis becomes difficult, and the research report will be of poor quality. Therefore, we should concentrate all possible efforts on developing appropriate and professional data collection techniques.
The purpose of the study is to establish whether Tonbridge has an overcrowding problem, both pedestrian and traffic and the reasons for this, in addition correlating a pattern of land use and congestion. It is also to find the cost of commuting to London and the state of leisure facilities. The right data collection method must, therefore, be used to gather this information.
During the visit to Tonbridge many different techniques of data collection were used. In order to find the cost of car parks, the data had already been collected and displayed. The only thing necessary to do was to record this available information. The use of already collected data was also used to find the price of the train to London. This technique was used because it would add unnecessary time to the research if it was ignored. The problem with this technique is that data could be incomplete. Using this technique would save time and it would also help show correlation between the amount of cars in a car park and the price of the car park. It would also help find the cost of the train and how this was beneficial (or not) to commuters. This method of reusing data does not need to be recorded with time lengths or dates as it is on-going. The location is important because it determines the data so it was essential to note the place that the data was collected in.
Observing the environment in and around the town centre was also used. Observations can take many forms. Human behavior can be observed or objects can be observed. In this case, only objects were observed because the research was about the physical environment and not about the human environment. Observations are good because they give more detailed and context related information. The exact time is not very important when observing, but the time of day and weather is. On the day of the observation the weather was dreary and it was in the morning/afternoon that everything was observed. The information was collected by writing the observations on a piece of paper. The disadvantage with observations is that they can be biased by the observer who may only notice something that may interest him/her. Using observations helps to gather the quality of the leisure facilities and the town centre itself.
But I do not think that there are enough data collection techniques described and do not think there is enough detail for the six marks. I also did tally charts to record pedestrian/traffic flow but is this really a proper technique? Can anyone else suggest another technique that I have not realised I have used? Could anyone suggest any improvements to my work. PLEASE, YOUR THOUGHTS ARE APPRECIATED!
how about getting some historical airphotos and compare the land occupied as a percentage of the total available land(you can describe an arbitrary boundary)
Also,in the US , traffic counts are frequent and widespread. Te records are kept in local govt offices and highway Depts (DOTs)
infrastructure is always a good objective research tool. Look up the growth of the use of water and the increase in sewage and solid waste. It may be crap to you but its a geographers bread and butter
farmerman wrote:. . . and the increase in sewage and solid waste. It may be crap to you but its a geographers bread and butter
Only on-line can one find such gems . . . it has to be real, you couldn't make this stuff up . . . well, obviously YOU could FM, but you know what i mean . . .