I think you are missing a sense of proportion Sturgis... and you are vastly exagerrating the importance of human beings.
Imagine that there were little microscopic sentient beings (unbekownst to you) that are living on a little barely visible speck of dust in your living room. They mine all the minerals on their little speck of dust, use energy from your ceiling lamp and build technology that ends up damaging their tiny little environment.
Then they take the sum total of all of their trash from thousands of their lifetime, trash that will include medical waste, and industrial waste and dangerous products and jettisoned them as far as they can toward your coffee table in a last ditch effort to save their own little ecosystem.
How much impact do you think this civilization on a little speck of dust jettisoning its trash would have on the cleanliness of your living room?
I would like to think that this is a good metaphor ... accept human beings are even smaller than that compared to space.
The idea that humans are capable of "infesting space" is laughable. We are far more insignificant than that... our trash would have zero impact in space.