My lawyer sent them a letter of representation. They offered me a deal to resign, but said if they hear from my lawyer again the offer is off the table. My lawyer said that if I move forward, they will go to great lengths to discredit me and it will be a long, painful litigation.
I took the deal, but am having a hard time living with it. Since then, I was harassed, bullied, and given ridiculous expectations to fill before my last day with the verbal and written threat of having my resignation rescinded for failure to fulfill my duties. I am still working tonight, and the school year ended on 6/3.
My co-teacher was also terminated. She filed a grievance, and it is under supposed investigation by the district. I should be contacted for my testimony, but as of yet, have not been.
We were told by our principal that she had seen emails proving that two colleagues were trying to "set me up" and "out to get" me. We were told to "play the game" and she would protect us. The principal told us what our room assignments were going to be for the next school year, told us that we are phenomenal teachers, then a week later fired us both.