Tue 31 Aug, 2004 02:12 am
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<title>New Page 1</title>
<p><font size="7">iS </font><font face="Arial Black">it </font>
<font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="7">t</font><font face="Bookman Old Style" size="4">R</font><font face="Bookman Old Style" size="6">Ue?</font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="Arial Black" size="6">i</font><font size="6" face="Book Antiqua">s
<i>i</i></font><font size="6" face="Arial Black"><i>t </i></font><b>
<font face="Arial Black" size="7">cU</font><font size="7">r</font></b><font size="7"><font face="Comic Sans MS">t</font><font face="Arial Narrow">a</font></font><font size="6"><font face="Arial Narrow">i</font><font face="Courier">n</font></font><font face="Arial Black" size="4">s
</font><font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="7">f</font><font size="7" face="Fixedsys">o</font><font size="7" face="Haettenschweiler">r</font></p>
<p> </p>
<a href="" style="color: #00c; font-family: arial,sans-serif">
<img height="78" src="" width="119"></a>
<font size="7"><b> <font face="Arial Black">?</font></b></font></p>
We have already any topics about the end of abuzz.
Moondoggy, what was that original post?
Sure is. He's babbling.
Hi moondoggy
(The image above is what moondoggy was trying to post.)
(Hi moondoggy!)
hey guys! how the fooking hell are ya?
that my dear long lost cyber friends, was my impersonation of a script kiddie
(think i'd be better sticking to typewriters)
go back to bed deb
(i'm studing, whats your excuse woman?)
Just woke up.
What can I say?
Bit of a tummy upset.
Be back to bed soon.
You oughta studied at a decent time, my son.
Well, my li'l brother, then.
"Studing" indeed - what a wacker!
Freudian slip in't in it....
no, unfortunately its foucault rather than freud - and he never gets dirty
and pretty soon i'll be able to spell studing write
perhaps I'll indulge in another kip before sunrise
Foucault is folly.
Sleep well - no twitching paws for you...
just another crazy frenchman