@cicerone imposter,
Personally, I thought Mount Rushmore sucked. Way over hyped. It was boring so we drove over to Wyoming and ate lunch with a view to Devils Tower. Didn't even need to go into the park.
I did love the Badlands, Custer National Park (got accosted by a some buffalos), going down into caverns and just driving around viewing the majesty.
Deadwood was very cool. We had lunch there.
My favorite attraction was a mammoth site in Hot Springs. I learned so much.
We visisted a sod house that prarie people who live in and entertained ourselves by trying to sneak up on prarie dogs.
I also really liked the people in S. Dakota. No fakey fake smiles or trying to impress.
I had some really great conversations while there.
Margo, the very thing I like most about SD as a tourist destination is that there is no "I'm just going to sit here and give you money so entertain me" crap.
If you dig driving for hours through land still mostly untouched, get excited by coming around a bend and seeing a herd of buffalo, and want to see weather patterns wage war across the biggest sky you'll ever see, and millions of stars at night, SD is a place for you.
You can spend days doing what many people today would consider nothing, and get everything out of it.