She lets me use her facebook cause I don't have one. So I can look at pictures and see old faces etc. Anyways, sometimes she goes home at night a bit early (this is my GF I'm talking about). She texts me "home" and the next day says stuff related to being home all night. But I will get a vibe sometimes. Like a late text or shes upset when she leaves. Etc. I will look in facebook where it says logged in devices, under settings, and it says devices and locations they are logged in. It will say sometimes a complete other county. Is something going on, or maybe facebook is just using the IP for their servers. I dunno. What is more likely? I don't know facebook that well.. just something Im noticing now and then and it usually happens to be when we aren't together. Coincidence?
Of corurse not. Im just looking for opinions on how this feature works. Maybe Its accurate, maybe not. Maybe its facebook servers, maybe its a legit login. Thats all Im looking to know
Hmm...whose behaviour is a problem here? The guy who's abusing the trust his girlfriend showed by giving him her facebook password (and I'm guessing he's probably reading her messages as well!?) - or the woman who has done ...what? Nothing.
I haven't given details about cheating. Didn't want to get into that. This is a technical answer only. Thanks for an answer showing you know anything technical. ;D
I actually do know very well from experience that the location given on facebook is pretty irrelevant . My own facebook security settings show me currently in a different state about 700kms away.
You don't always get the answers you want on this site but the people who take the time to reply will be honest with you.
It's quite similar here. Where I am doesn't match where FB seems to think I am. It's funny sometimes when people ask why I'm in another city. Cuz it's FB
0 Replies
Fri 27 May, 2016 10:45 pm
something Im noticing now and then and it usually happens to be when we aren't together. Coincidence?
If it usually happens when you aren't together then it occasionally happens when you are together. Therefore she is either a very fast woman who cheats on you in another county while you are together or it is a coincidence.
Computer software incorrectly guesses location all the time, why else would I receive these constant out of purlieu, pay-per-view purview offers to spam some time in tête-à-têtes of tempestuous trysting.
Tell her that you love her so much that you are insanely jealous of every other man, real and imaginary, and that you would do anything for her, then do it.
My heart goes out to anyone, anyone at all, and those who are far from home according to computer software and can only suggest: