Mon 16 May, 2016 08:49 pm
Just a heads up about a common forum dynamic and how it affects the community. There is a tendency here on A2K to update an old topic about something, or to have only one thread about any particular subject. Some of the threads are years old etc.
While there's nothing wrong with the old threads staying around, new topics are better for the community and generate a less insular feel. Those in the old, monolithic threads are comfortable with them but fewer new users join in them.
This is not a rule or anything, but just a heads up that starting new topics about a facet of a topic that has already been discussed is preferable to just updating an old topic.
Yeah, you got to stick your neck out a bit more than you do just making a post updating an extant topic but go out there and make more new topics! It's good for the community and will help us grow.
Some old topics are very dear to a lot of us.
I figure, with you, that topics need to diverse and multiply, but some of us semi subsist on Roberta's Beautiful Animals, or actually any of her few threads. Or Panz's cartoon threads. These threads actually produce real pleasure, can even change a person re facing a day..
I'll go for general diversifying though, re debate topics at least.
I get that, and am just saying that new topics are generally better for the community than those never-ending topics.
Doesn't mean those topics should end or anything. Just trying to inspire members of the community to create more new topics if they care to.
@Robert Gentel,
So true.
Don't ask me about endless atheism or rape threads.
I'm learning to tolerate hearing about the Patriots and Red Sox, but in honesty, those who favor them aren't all endlessly repetitive and I tend to like them.
Which is to say, I agree.
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:
...This is not a rule or anything, but just a heads up that starting new topics about a facet of a topic that has already been discussed is preferable to just updating an old topic...
How do I apply for a New Topic Non-Contributor Pass? I think I suffer from Galloping Boorishness that I picked up at an early age from a poor diet. I've tried to overcome the condition, but I just lapse back into boorish behavior. All my new topic would likely be about today's weather.
Some people are topic starters some aren't, no biggie. New people and new topics are the lifeblood of this community, but posting to other topics is important too and this can all coexist just fine with however people want to use the site.
I'm just trying to encourage more to start topics, it's a bit more effort than adding a post but helps the community more.
@Robert Gentel,
I've considered both types of replies vs starting new topic threads.
More often then not, starting new threads (at least anecdotally wise) tends to get less replies to the most recent post then if I would start a new thread (which seems to often be completely ignored ... depending on the topic: foodie topics, etc...).
As for individual movie threads? I rather open new threads for new franchise movies and add related reviews and such to that thread instead of flooding the boards with reviews and such as completely new threads.
It's a mixed bag, and for some subjects discussion will take a while to build. Bit of a chicken and egg. If we want a growing community we need more topics, but if we want more replies we need a bigger community.
But don't take lack of replies as a rejection, happens all the time depending of the subject. For sports or personal finance topics I have started it is often pretty slow going and I've had to bump them to get a discussion going but once we have more of them they will more readily draw engagement.
@Robert Gentel,
I sometimes think that many of the responses on the this or that thread could lead to a good (if short) thread ... if I could figure out how to get those conversations started ... < mulls ... open-ended .... open-ended >
It's definitely a bit more difficult to get a topic started, you have to think of a good title for one etc. One reason why the topic starters are so important for the community.
@Robert Gentel,
titles are NOT my strong suit but I've tossed one into the hopper
(I should crib boomerang's old thread titles - she's a goddess of titles)
Honestly - there are some monolithic and old topics I like to follow
There are some people I like to see what they have to say no matter what the topic is.
Others i could not care about no matter how new the topic is.
I am tired, I have a headache and I have some problems and enjoyed very much just to be here to relax.
Then you come and tell me I have to start new topics - I need entertainment and not commands what to do.
TV wont tell me what to watch, my book will not tell me what page to read, and my bed wont tell me what side to sleep on.
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:
Some people are topic starters some aren't, no biggie.
edgarb is a topic starter
I'm an aspiring topic starter (I think edgarb sometimes starts more threads in a week than I have in over a decade)
no biggie
It's a grab bag of ifs when you start a new topic. Many of mine elicit no responses. Some do well for years. But, as Fess Parker pretending to be Davy Crockett said, "Be sure you're right, then go ahead."
Old threads often get resurrected because people come along who are not aware of the date stamp. They reply, and others join in. It's not like it's a serious flaw in anyone's character.
I'm just saying new topics help more, but I'm not telling anyone what to do here. Just encouraging one thing that helps. Old topics aren't gonna hurt us and there's nothing wrong with the people who post to them, I'm just saying that new topics help the community grow more so than the old ones do.
@Robert Gentel,
I took your advice and started a new cooking thread
LOL, saw that. Topic title having something to do with it will generally help though. But here's to hoping you learn both about hot monkey sex and the recipe you seek.
@Robert Gentel,
dayum. I shoulda thought of that. HAd I been clever I would have titled it
"Recipes to prepare you for hot monkey sex"