Thu 26 Aug, 2004 09:25 pm
while studying an intro to Criminal Justice course I was made aware that oral sex between consenting Adults in some states is illegal ... what is up with that? I just want to know how that is a crime against society?
ps sorry i can't spell
It's not a crime against society - It's a crime against god.
I don't know why they'd outlaw that stuff either.
sod·om·y (sd-m)
1. Anal copulation of one male with another.
Anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex.
3. Copulation with an animal.
LOTS of info here.
thanks for the info, but crime is usually defined as something that will hurt society. How does oral sex threaten or undermine anything or anyone?
and a crime against God please explain and are you a babtist?
and anyother thing I really only wanted to know why the states have deemed oral sex a crime and made it illegal.
after visiting the link above I realized that I need to clarify that i meant between husband and wife not between two men, that is a different topic.
Religious fervor usually motivates such legislation, you know, the "babdists" and such . . . there are generally seen to be three types of transgressions. Transgressions against god are sins. Those against others or against society are crimes. Those against oneself are vices. In the past, society attempted to eliminate sin and vice by making actions deemed sinful or vicious as criminal. The efforts havve not accomplished the desired ends, but have certainly caused a lot of grief for individuals.
We have that here in NC. A couple (male/female, not married) was arrested in a restuarant parking lot - they were in their car- a few years ago. They were charged with this as well as for doing it in public.
It dates back to when it was thought that morality should and could be legislated, which means it was immoral to the legislatores at that time.
There was a big deal made of it when this arrest was made public because so many married couples realized they could be arrested and dragged from their bedrooms for what is now considered a normal part of sex.
Morals have changed, but the laws have not.
is that all you sure / like no sicknesses or death is realated to this
I said that it was a crime against god and then stuck my tongue out like this

to let you know that it is what I think others would use to justify the law.
As I didn't capitalize god - you could make the safe assumption that I'm not a believer.
disenter513 wrote:thanks for the info, but crime is usually defined as something that will hurt society. How does oral sex threaten or undermine anything or anyone?
and a crime against God please explain and are you a babtist?
Sodomy laws are left over from times when lawmakers did a lot more legislating of "morality" - morality also sometimes included legislating against miscegnation. The very general justification for such laws was to punish breaches of the peace.
This doesn't mean any of these laws are right or are still constitutional or anything of the sort. What you are asking about is legislative intent, which is often difficult to assess in the absence of legislators making notes to accompany their laws or writing memoirs talking about why they voted for such and such a statute.
Yes I am wondering about the intent of such laws sorry I don't even look at smileys I hate em. and is there anyone that know who or what these laws are protecting?
Oral sex is actually a form of worship. But I've nicknamed my penis "Little Jesus", so don't go by me.
wow that is, well that certainly is.....
these 'laws' are obviously protecting the poor little spermatazoa or sperm from ending up in the 'wrong place' and thus they are made (the laws) to ensure the continuation of our race/species...
as monty python says :
every sperm is sacred
There are Jews in the world.
There are Buddhists.
There are Hindus and Mormons, and then
There are those that follow Mohammed, but
I've never been one of them.
I'm a Roman Catholic,
And have been since before I was born,
And the one thing they say about Catholics is:
They'll take you as soon as you're warm.
You don't have to be a six-footer.
You don't have to have a great brain.
You don't have to have any clothes on. You're
A Catholic the moment Dad came,
Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.
Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.
Let the heathen spill theirs
On the dusty ground.
God shall make them pay for
Each sperm that can't be found.
Every sperm is wanted.
Every sperm is good.
Every sperm is needed
In your neighbourhood.
Hindu, Taoist, Mormon,
Spill theirs just anywhere,
But God loves those who treat their
Semen with more care.
Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,...
...God get quite irate.
Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is good.
Every sperm is needed...
...In your neighbourhood!
Every sperm is useful.
Every sperm is fine.
God needs everybody's.
And mine!
And mine!
Let the Pagan spill theirs
O'er mountain, hill, and plain.
God shall strike them down for
Each sperm that's spilt in vain.
Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is good.
Every sperm is needed
In your neighbourhood.
Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite iraaaaaate!
thus i can only think that oral sex is illegal for these reasons
Responding to the conclusion after the Monty Python song:
I'd think that makes ORAL SEX a SACRAMENT then!
Luckily, this means we can lick to our heart's content so long as there's no sperm spillage, or is that only how my women friends interprete it?
I have it on apocryphal authority that oral sex laws were written by ugly lawmaking men who couldn't pay a hooker enough to get some.
I tried to vounteer as an undercover agent for Vice, reeling in those nasty OS women, but so far I haven't heard back.....