Tue 10 May, 2016 09:22 pm
I saw a preview for a horror film on a redbox bluray for the remake of Straw Dogs. In the preview the camera is panning from left to right showing an older barn with the door shut and light coming from under the door. You can only hear the deeper voice of a man explaining what he will do to his victims that he kidnapped and has chained up (you can hear chains and sounds of someone gagged). He very matter-of-fact says something to the effect of, "So first I'm going to cut open your stomach, its gonna hurt, but not as bad as when your intestines fall out, you'll likely go into shock, but we'll just be getting started." The preview seems like its a lower budget film, likely straight to dvd / blu-ray (likely came out around 2011 when the remake of Straw Dogs came out). Any ideas?!?! Been searching for 5 years for this film.