Don't understand how natural selection works, huh? Any trait which neither helps nor hinders reproductive opportunity,
may be retained. Any trait which hinders reproductive opportunity will disappear sooner or later, and usually sooner rather than later,
because individuals with that trait are unlikely to be reproductively successful, and won't pass the trait on. Any trait which enhances reproductive opportunity will soon be set in the genome, because individuals with that trait will have a high probability of reproducing themselves, and passing the trait on.
Natural selection is not a random process--it saves what works, eliminates what doesn't work and hinders, and it ignores neutral characteristics. Whenever i see someone babbling about "random" in a discussion of evolution, i know the odds are very high that said individual is religiously motivated, but not sufficiently honest to state that a the outset. They've been brainwashed, and are not interested in actually learning anything.