How can a good God allow suffering

Sat 13 Oct, 2018 11:14 am
An intelligent designer would likely be too complex to have arisen by chance. Therefore such a designer would be bound to have been designed by another, anterior designer. Who himself would probably be too complex to have arisen by chance therefore the designer of our designer too was designed by some previous designer.

The ONLY way to avoid such an infinite regress is to assume that life as we know it, with its current complexity, emerged from a LESS COMPLEX form of "proto-life". Which itself emerged from an EVEN LESS COMPLEX for of proto-proto-life, etc...

Therefore, if you want to stick to ID, either you invoke an infinity of designers as the origin of life, or if you want to avoid that, you must postulate that the intelligent designer of life was LESS COMPLEX than what he designed. In other words, you must postulate that our maker is inferior to us, and then that his maker was inferior to him, etc. until you reach a point where the designer^n is so simple that he could have arisen by chance.

If the universe existed as a single particle with no order to it. (a singularity) as the Big Bang theory suggests, then all that existed was a single particle that was quite dense containing everything necessary for our universe to exist except order.

If the only thing that physically existed, at this time, is this singularity contained in one perfect universe wide particle (which must be objectively perfect because it is the only physical thing with nothing to compare it to). And, the intelligence to manipulate it (God), exists in this one simple perfect particle, then this fulfills your requirement that the creator of the universe must be simple.

And, since this single particle contains the entire universe and is controlled by a single simple intelligence that makes that intelligence simple and Omnipotent.

This also coincides with Gen 1: in the Bible where it describes the singularity as a "formless void".

Gen 1:1 In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.

Order (which is what matter and the space time continuum are) is created in the universe by, separating the universe into quarks, virtual quarks, electrons and photons (quantum of space), as quantum mechanics suggests.

This is described in the next chapters of Genesis.

Gen 1:3 “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

6 And God said, “Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” 7 So God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome. And it was so. 8 God called the dome Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.

9 And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas.

This is describing how the universe was divided up into the particles, virtual particles and space time continuum we observe today.

This philosophical argument of the physical requirements established by science, is covered in great detail by Robert Spitzer in his book "New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy" with some additions of my own.

Does this logically fulfill your requirements for an Intelligent designer in a scientific way?
Sat 13 Oct, 2018 01:48 pm
brianjakub wrote:
If the only thing that physically existed, at this time, is this singularity contained in one perfect universe wide particle (which must be objectively perfect because it is the only physical thing with nothing to compare it to). And, the intelligence to manipulate it (God), exists in this one simple perfect particle, then this fulfills your requirement that the creator of the universe must be simple.

To be a creator this god would have to exist outside of this simple perfect particle not inside of it. Something else would have had to create this god.

cicerone imposter
Sat 13 Oct, 2018 02:24 pm
The something else that created "this god" is human imagination. Notice that different cultures created different gods. It's all part of human DNA to want a god(s) to exist. I find it fascinating that the christian god is only 2,000 years old, and humanity have been around for some 200,000 years, and we evolved from primates. I find religion an interesting part of human reality even though nobody knows what "it" looks like. That this god is able to be everywhere all at once, listen to all the prayers, and notice each human on this planet just boggles my mind.
Sat 13 Oct, 2018 04:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I always wondered if humans acquired a soul before or after they split from a common ancestor way down the line.
Sat 13 Oct, 2018 05:08 pm
great observation
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 13 Oct, 2018 08:14 pm
I sort of believe our soul is a reflection of who we are. I don't think it has anything to do with religion, after life, or death. It's the essence of our personality, and each individual has their soul.
Sat 13 Oct, 2018 09:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I suppose you could use 'soul' in that manner.
0 Replies
Sun 14 Oct, 2018 05:06 am
you go back nd forth almost implying the religious basis of your inquiry.

You keep saying that but you never give an example and never confront me when it supposedly happens.

Why is that?

Yet your inquiry, had you been litening to yourself is merely gainsay of scientific evidence. Youve not presented ny evidence that supports ID .You have stated that scientific data can be interpreted to support ID but have not given a single example (I think Id like to take that example and see whether there is any evidence from other sciences that also support ID in that example)

I have given many examples over the years. Your response has been one or more of the following:

1. Simple negation, you say "You are wrong", but give no argument to support it.

2. Your source (person or publication) has no credibility, again with no supporting argument.

3. If from a respected publication, you say that particular paper or scientist is an outlier and does not represent mainstream science.

4. That scientist has a religious affiliation and therefore has no credibility.

5. If the source has no religious affiliation (D. Berlinski, a secular Jew for example) you say he is tainted by being associated with the Discovery Institute. (one wonders where you were during the Salem witch trials if that's all it takes to come under suspicion)

6. And of course like this time - 'Nothing you say has any credibility because you rely on religious beliefs as their foundation', even though you can't cite the evidence of it in my arguments for ID. Nevertheless, that such a prejudice is so popular speaks volumes. Is just the fact that a post appears in a theological thread enough to stir up suspicion?

There does seem to be a theme here. It seems like you are primarily arguing against theism rather than for undirected abiogenesis.
cicerone imposter
Sun 14 Oct, 2018 05:28 pm
I have given many examples over the years.
Without any evidence, just verbiage. Talk is cheap. If you had provided any evidence, I would have noticed it.
Sun 14 Oct, 2018 06:48 pm
To be a creator this god would have to exist outside of this simple perfect particle not inside of it.
He would first have to use his intelligence to manipulate the void and create a universe for Him to be outside of.


Something else would have had to create this god.


If the universe started from the simplest place it would consist of a one particle singularity with an intelligence that has one simple decision,"should I divide this one particle void into smaller rotating particles that store information as matter.


That God could be the beginning and the end. The alpha and the Omega. He could physically enter that universe and reveal Himself.

Do you know anyone that fits that description?
Sun 14 Oct, 2018 07:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The something else that created "this god" is human imagination.

Do you believe like fresco? Do you think the universe is a figment of our collective imagination?

Notice that different cultures created different gods. It's all part of human DNA to want a god(s) to exist. I find it fascinating that the christian god is only 2,000 years old, and humanity have been around for some 200,000 years, and we evolved from primates.

At least get this part of the story straight. The book of Genesis was compliled around 950 BC or about 3,000 years ago.

Julius Wellhausen, the 19th century German scholar responsible for the classical form of the documentary hypothesis, did not attempt to date J more precisely than the monarchical period of Israel's history.[13] In 1938 Gerhard von Rad placed J at the court of Solomon, c. 950 BCE, and argued that his purpose in writing was to provide a theological justification for the unified state created by Solomon's father, David.[14] This was generally accepted until a crucial 1976 study by H. H. Schmid, Der sogenannte Jahwist ("The So-called Yahwist"), argued that J knew the prophetic books of the 8th and 7th centuries BCE, while the prophets did not know the traditions of the Torah, meaning J could not be earlier than the 7th century.[15] A number of current theories place J even later, in the exilic and/or post-exilic period (6th–5th centuries BCE).[16]

And, Genesis is telling about something that happened millions or billions of years before that. Here is how we know that.

The numbers 40 and 7 and 1,000 when refereed to by the Hebrews are symbolic phrases which mean as long as it takes. They did not have as many words as the modern languages of our times so, back then when somebody wanted to know how long it took and all that was known was that it took as long as necessary and, that it was a very long time, 40 or 7 or 1000 were used to say that.

The length of a day and a year in Genesis before the flood story is unknown but, if the bible is to loosely follow archaeological evidence it must be a lot longer than 24 hours. In the Gospel of Peter is evidence of this.

2 Peter 3:8 But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations

Mon 15 Oct, 2018 12:56 am
The phrase 'figment of our imagination' is simplistic nonsense.

The point you refuse to get is that all words we apply to what we see as 'the universe' are coined for human purposes. That includes all things from 'rocks' to 'gods'. The presumed persistance of things is relative to their 'persistant' functionality in terms of part or all of human lifespans, since all is physically in flux. The hope that 'God' is an exception to this flux is merely an opiate embraced in an attempt to transcend the brevity of human lifespans, and so too is the reverse logic ...'in the beginning was the WORD'... etc.

But theists like you have a vested interest in sticking with the word magic of their chosen opiate. Cold turkey is not an option for those whose 'eternal life' is at stake ! Twisted Evil
Mon 15 Oct, 2018 04:54 am
1. Simple negation, you say "You are wrong", but give no argument to support it.

2. Your source (person or publication) has no credibility, again with no supporting argument.
Sorry, Ive been out but I like the way you put up these seriate arguments. This is a hoot. Wen I disagree with you I dont provide any evidence but when I provide evidence I dont pprovide ny argument.
Maybe you should look in a mirror and ask whether theres anyone closer to you who does that??

I saw your comment that Rachel Carson's opinions about DDT were based upon CRAP. Yet you purposely ignore the working group that pres Kennedy convened to investigate those very comments in 1962. The working group not only agreed with Ms Carlson but identified the source of the comments to which you and gunga still adhere.

The fact is, ALL of your comments derive from a single base of reasoning to which Ive patiently asked for evidence. Your evidence to date has been based solely on negating the conclusions of science rather than presenting something unique. Then you claim that the evidence of science supports ID (but always fail to go further ND DIISCUSS WHERE ).
Even gunga will argue that something that hes recently discovered disputes evolution "because'. I think you should have the wisdom and fortitude to develop your arguments and make them based on real evidence rather than mere gainsay.

If from a respected publication, you say that particular paper or scientist is an outlier and does not represent mainstream science.
Naaah. Youve missed the point entirely . When I take on a paper, I always look at its source. I often note that your rferences from scientific literature had been "Filtered" through ID pubs like "EVOLUTION" or the Discovery Institutes many writers.

In your summary, Id like to assert that my POV has been consistently based on the hydra of natural sciences and her overlapping mountains of evidence. YOU HAVE BEEN THE ONE WHOSE ENTIRE OPINIONS HAVE BEEN BASED ON NEGATING SINGLE POINTS OF EVIDENCE WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF looking at how this piece of data fits within the entire spectrum of associated sciences. (Its a common rookie mistake).
YES , I admit that I have a special disdain for outfits like the Discovery Institute,(and by inclusion , anyone who buys their hucksterism).
They dont publish science, they publish religious dogma. They have gone completely underground from their initial by-laws.You seem to give them a pass from their original basis of being. Their sponsorship of visiting scholars and "fellows" is based on a religious POV , not objsctive science. If you continue to believe that they are objective in their science, Ive got a nice piece of swampland for your purchase consideration.

Mon 15 Oct, 2018 05:17 am
Does this logically fulfill your requirements for an Intelligent designer in a scientific way?

No, it doesn't. My point was simply that, if we assume that A is true: "life is so complex that it MUST have been designed", therefore B is true: "there was necessarily an infinite number of designers", because an ID is supposedly alive and complex THEREFORE because of A, an ID MUST itself have been designed by some other ID, ad infinitum.

Therefore, monotheism is illogical, at least if one argues for it from an ID perspective. There cannot be just one ID; that'd be logically impossible.
Mon 15 Oct, 2018 05:55 am
@cicerone imposter,
If you had provided any evidence, I would have noticed it.

Perhaps you need to visit an optometrist.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Oct, 2018 06:15 am
Leadfoot Quote:
"If [my argument] from a respected publication, you say that particular paper or scientist is an outlier and does not represent mainstream science.

Naaah. Youve missed the point entirely . When I take on a paper, I always look at its source. I often note that your rferences from scientific literature had been "Filtered" through ID pubs like "EVOLUTION" or the Discovery Institutes many writers.

BS, makes no difference. I have quoted directly from the most respected scientific journals (Nature, Phys.org, etc.) and you always dismiss it out of hand.

Your attitude about the Discovery Institute is juvenile.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Oct, 2018 07:31 am
. If the source has no religious affiliation (D. Berlinski, a secular Jew for example) you say he is tainted by being associated with the Discovery Institute.
This is a separate issue. Like Austen and Behe, Brlsinski 's being quote mined at his authorization because he has openly hated Darwin . I disgree with many of the conclusions he embraces.

His knowledge in the geo sciences is abysmal yet he quotes guys like Austen who assert that the fossil record is empty. (Its growing faster than a weed )and the comments that David Quammen made about the "bush of life" had been incorrectly used by the DI to make it appear that science had only been informed of this very recently. This was a thirty to fifty yeqr old argument till it was settled in the 1960's by recognition that evolution favors genera with the most species nd genetic variability provides "evolutionary feedstock" in times of ecological chnge
0 Replies
Mon 15 Oct, 2018 07:33 am
Im not gonna go back and seek out your mixological posts in competing threads. You know dmn well your base of opinion. I dont need to play your silly games.
cicerone imposter
Mon 15 Oct, 2018 10:07 am
The universe has nothing to do with any god(s). Scientists have provided the best assumptions from what we have learned through the ages. If you can start from the age of this planet as over 4.5 billion years old as scientists have determined from their studies, it's as good as it gets for us humans. From that perspective, the 7,000 years old earth based on the Bible is laughable at best, and a joke at its worst. 4.5+ billion years vs 7,000 years old. No contest. That's because the Bible is full of errors, omissions and contradictions. To challenge the scientists, you would have to provide evidence that their estimates are wrong. You can't.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Oct, 2018 10:28 am
The point you refuse to get is that all words we apply to what we see as 'the universe' are coined for human purposes. That includes all things from 'rocks' to 'gods'.

I am a Christian. I believe the main reason the universe was created was so The Creator could share His Ideas about love and sacrifice with other beings that are like Him. Since we are the only physical beings in the universe (that we know of) that can understand His ideas, I think your conclusion above is correct.

I don't refuse to get it.

You refuse to accept that you can logically agree with a believer in God.

The presumed persistance of things is relative to their 'persistant' functionality in terms of part or all of human lifespans, since all is physically in flux. The hope that 'God' is an exception to this flux is merely an opiate embraced in an attempt to transcend the brevity of human lifespans, and so too is the reverse logic ...'in the beginning was the WORD'... etc.

Because gravity is an emergent force ("Entropic Gravity" by Eric Verlinde) I know we have to assume that matter had to come into existence before gravity and therefor needs some sort of initiating force other than the gravity of the Big Bang to create the initial matter of the universe.(unless you want to assume matter always existed and there is no beginning to the universe). This initiating force I will call a Quantum Creation Event (QCE) and is explained in the bold type in the quote by brianjakub below.

The QCE assumes an aether (waters in the Bible) that is being divided up and storing information as order. Why this Aether was not detected by Michelson and Morley is covered on page 21 in http://embeddeddimensions.com/

How the universe stores information is covered in this video posted by Fil Albuquerque https://able2know.org/topic/384507-16#post-6718326

I would appreciate your comments on the logic behind the video especially, if you think it is flawed.

brianjakub earlier quote
If the universe existed as a single particle with no order to it. (a singularity) as the Big Bang theory suggests, then all that existed was a single particle that was quite dense containing everything necessary for our universe to exist except order.

If the only thing that physically existed, at this time, is this singularity contained in one perfect universe wide particle (which must be objectively perfect because it is the only physical thing with nothing to compare it to). And, the intelligence to manipulate it (God), exists in this one simple perfect particle, then this fulfills your requirement that the creator of the universe must be simple.

And, since this single particle contains the entire universe and is controlled by a single simple intelligence that makes that intelligence simple and Omnipotent.

This also coincides with Gen 1: in the Bible where it describes the singularity as a "formless void".

Gen 1:1 In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.

Order (which is what matter and the space time continuum are) is created in the universe by, separating the universe into quarks, virtual quarks, electrons and photons (quantum of space), as quantum mechanics suggests.

This is described in the next chapters of Genesis.

Gen 1:3 “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

6 And God said, “Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” 7 So God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome. And it was so. 8 God called the dome Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.

9 And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas.

This is describing how the universe was divided up into the particles, virtual particles and space time continuum we observe today.

This philosophical argument of the physical requirements established by science, is covered in great detail by Robert Spitzer in his book "New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy" with some additions of my own.

But theists like you have a vested interest in sticking with the word magic of their chosen opiate. Cold turkey is not an option for those whose 'eternal life' is at stake ! Twisted Evil

Does this logically fulfill your requirements for an Intelligent designer in a scientific way rather than a vested interest in my chosen opiate?

I think the Designer is a person who revealed Himself as The Word of the Designer who, then physically stepped onto the Earth as Jesus.

I do not think He is an Opiate nor are His creative powers anymore magical than mine. The source of His and my ideas are both physically impossible to explain, wouldn't you agree?

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