and thats fine drom... each to their own... more fun for the rest of us
The, erm, liquid waste is beneficial for lemon trees, but that's about it I think
? oh yeah man...
oh god when i was young my dad used to get big piles of horse manure delivered to our house (they wre taller than i was) and i used to have to shovel it into wheelbarrows and then dig it into the garden ... made the plants grow a treat it did...
(I believe there is a difference between the natures of carnivore waste and herbivor waste)

im not so sure im not a feces expert myself
nooooo you i mean the under the table bit

but i have always found urinating a pleasureable experience
Could you care to tell us why?
"Col, my friend, I think that dyslexic lounge singer is out to get us," I say rather whimsically to the rather irritated looking Col Man.
"No kidding, Fortune," he snaps as the lounge singer brings his revolver to bear upon our hiding spot.
"Damn it," I whisper almost inaudibly as I look around to the dog who has joined our strange little dinner party. "And just who are you?" I reach for the dog's name tag and notice the message tucked in it's collar. Quickly I pull it out and read.
"Well, I'll be... !" I grab Col Man by the shoulder and shove the note under his nose, "Looks like this is a setup, the fan club's got wind that something was going down here tonigh, Drom's set this all up as a diversion. We gotta get the hell outta here before we're seen!"

well it just is drom...
i can go into detail if you are really interested....
And I thank you, I thank you for doing your duty,
You keepers of truth, you guardians of beauty.
Your vision was right, my vision was wrong,
I'm sorry for smudging the air with my song.
Oh la...
So save me a place in the ten-dollar grave
With those who took money for the pleasure we gave
With those always ready, with those who are dressed
So you could lay down with your head on their breast yes
And the ladies gone moist, and the judge has no choice,
A singer must die for the lie in his voice.
Oh la la la...
<I still havent made an appearence>
you obviously dont know many men drom

actually you probably just dont discuss such isssues with them...
is far as im know most men find having a good old pee immensely pleasurable
i dont know wether its the passing of the water the relief of getting it out or the ending of the feeling of wanting to go
but its a well known fact amongst male circles anyway
what do you say gautam??